When the Earth is Ravaged and the Animals are Dying,
A new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from
many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their own
actions and deeds shall make the earth green again.
They will be known as the “Warriors of the Rainbow”.
Old Native American Prophecy
Are you a Rainbow Warrior?
Are you dedicated to awakening yourself and others?
Do you know in your heart a better world is possible?
Do you long to be part of a tribe creating a new template for humanity?
At this incredible time on the planet –when everything is threatened, yet anything is possible–many feel called to join with others to co-create a new way of living. We do not follow a single dogma nor a political ideology, but a shared set of values, expressed in the way we treat each other and the earth.
Deep in our bones, we already resonate with a different frequency than the status quo. We are the caterpillar’s imaginal cells waking up to the butterfly, resonating with others of like mind and heart. It is time to call these cells together, in a tribe of Rainbow Warriors, who can fulfill their destiny as agents of evolution—their own and the world around them.
Longing for a saner, healthier, more humane world, Rainbow Warriors know that working on themselves is essential to the evolution of humanity, but it is not enough. Our personal growth must then be applied to the world around us, helping it evolve as well. This can happen in any part of the world, any sector of society, within any race, gender, creed, or nationality. It begins wherever you are, with each cell a tiny point of light in a living, growing web of connection and awakening.
Template for a New Humanity
Each of us carries an important piece to the grand puzzle of what humanity is becoming. Some of us are healers and educators. Others work with the environment or technology. Still others are leaders, politicians, entertainers, or service providers. The puzzle is grand and complex, and none of us can figure it out alone.
What will bring us together?
What is needed is a guiding template for how to put those pieces together.
The chakra system, long known to be a map for personal evolution, can also guide our collective evolution. It can provide us a map to the future, and allow a wide divergence of people to unite under a common purpose.
If we address the values inherent in the chakra system’s seven levels, we create what is mythically known as a Rainbow Bridge—a connection between earth and heaven, that is said to avert doomsday. These values give the backbone to a structure for uniting the tribes in a coherent system. Whatever world we create, we can’t go wrong by embodying the following values:
Rainbow Warrior Pledge
- We stand for the full spectrum of human possibility.
- We dedicate ourselves to the evolution of humanity.
- We engage in our own healing and growth, so as to be an inspiration for others to do so.
- We stand for the possibility of creating Heaven on Earth

Where do you fit in?
Click the chakra images below to learn more.
A True Pioneer
Anodea’s understanding and interpretation of the chakra system blew my mind and heart wide open and deeply influenced my personal yoga practice as well as my teaching. She is the teacher’s teacher, the high priestess of sacred depth work, and a true pioneer in making these ancient practices accessible and meaningful in our contemporary world.
Seane CornAn exceptionally wise woman whom I turn to for guidance, insight, and answers
Anodea’s work helps us reimagine the Big Dream for ourselves and the world. She is an exceptionally wise woman whom I turn to for guidance, insight, and answers. She makes her deepest wisdom available to us all.
Marcia WiederCourse Is Exquisitely Presented
Anodea’s work is perfect for those who are looking for the best information about the chakras, and any person who wishes to heal their body and improve their meditation skills. As always, this course is exquisitely presented: deep, practical, inspiring, easy to follow, contemporary. A MUST! Enjoy the ride.
Margot AnandAbout Anodea Judith
Anodea Judith is best known for her groundbreaking work reviving the chakra system of ancient yoga, and its profound correlation to human psychology and the process of manifestation.
But before she became a globally renowned speaker, a bestselling author, and one of the most sought-after energy healers today, Anodea was a struggling artist, trying to make ends meet as a single mother with little to no money to her name.
Worse still, Anodea had been suffering from Lyme disease – which can lead to severe arthritis, which was left undiagnosed for almost 5 years.
It was through an unexpected “vision” of her future book,The Chakra System, yet unwritten, that inspired Anodea to dive even deeper in understanding this ancient bioenergetic system and how to apply it to elevate different dimensions of our lives.
Today, Anodea is one of the foremost experts in merging Eastern healing modalities like the chakras with modern Western psychology practices, to help thousands heal past childhood traumas and wake up to their true spiritual essence.
In this new Mindvalley Quest, you’ll be exposed to Anodea’s four decades of study in this fascinating field of the chakras, and help you master the ancient science so you can easily influence your each of your 7 chakras to elevate every aspect of your being.