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Chakra 4: Love

Lovers & 

Co-Hearts of Service


We demonstrate compassion and kindness wherever we go.

More than just a sweet sentiment, love is an organizing principle only now becoming possible. For the first time in history, humans can largely choose what they love: be it a profession, a course of study, a place to live, oro the race, gender, or religion of a love partner. And while this is not universally available throughout the globe, there is still more freedom to choose what we love than ever before, and that freedom is growing rapidly.

At the same time, we have exposure to the plight of people, animals, and environments all over the globe who are hurting and in need. An organizing principle based on love works for peace, generosity, and compassion, and the well-being of others.

Those who work in the heart chakra dedicate their lives to service. They champion the poor, the oppressed, and provide healing and support. They may be therapists, social workers, or human rights campaigners.

They may provide service to others through their job or career, their work for non-profit organizations, or be volunteers in social causes that seek to benefit others, often in ways that have little ego reward.

Warriors of the heart chakra are those who dare to care.

Comment here if you resonate with this sector:


  1. Anodea

    I especially admire those who do selfless service. There are so many unsung heroes in this category, people who don’t get glory for what they do, but serve the disadvantaged, do volunteer work, take care of children or the elderly. What would we do without these people? Let’s give them a big hurrah for ego-less service!

  2. Saroj

    Saroj from Virginia. i resonate with heart chakra, i love to help others in any way I ca. i may be a bit of an Empath,
    But I am learning that we have to help ourself as well. i worked for the State of Florida as a Pediatrician for most of my professional years, and really got to know that part of our society, i think taught me to be more humble more compassionate and be more loving. Also my spiritual journey has helped me to be what I am. I thank everyone that have been in my life because I could not be this person I am without them being part of my life.

  3. Lari

    This resonates so strong for me. I love the earth and all her beings. I have some healing to do to express myself. So much fear.


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