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Chakra 6: Beauty

Artists and Visionaries

Pledge: We commit to a vision of what’s possible through creating beauty.

Whatever world we create, it needs to hold beauty as a sacred value. Not just the beauty of a pretty face or the latest fashion, but beauty in our environment, architecture, design, and artistry. When people live among beauty, they are inspired to care for themselves and what’s around them, as well as contribute through their own artistic creations.

Those drawn to this sector are Imagineers–the artists and visionaries who boldly see beyond what is to what can be. They create and design, embellish and beautify.

Through beauty, others are inspired. Through beauty we find grace.

Comment here if you resonate with this sector:


  1. Petra van Noort

    What a Pleasure to be part of this Rainbow Warrior Tribe! As a dance-theater artist (dance, movement, voice, video, music and visual art) and healer (reflexology, yoga, flower essences, sound healing), this 6th chakra pledge makes me positively tingle… Yes, Beauty!
    Beauty (as well as Pleasure and Truth) are my guiding lights. Hail to the beautiful rainbow bridge, creating magical splendor from a combination of sun and rain to connect heaven and earth!

  2. Anodea

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE creating beauty. Right now it is in my garden.

  3. Saroj

    Saroj from Virginia. I resonate some with sixth chakra being an artist, like to paint peaceful pictures, and as a therapist. Meditation has been of great value in my recent work. 3rd-4th week in the quest something happened, do not what, but i was amazed to see the things I have been telling myself coming to realization. thanks to the quest, thanks to you Anodia and the Rainbowwarriors. it was a pleasant surprise.

  4. Lari

    I see it everywhere. I just don’t know how to share it. And feel understood. Fear again. At least I feel a way out through this work.


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